How to Use Article Marketing to Promote Natural Healing Products

Knowing how to use article marketing to promote a natural healing product will offer you a massive advantage over your competitors that are unable to extract the maximum benefit from writing articles about their product.

In fact, in article marketing you do not write articles about your product directly, but about the benefits to be obtained from using such a product, without mentioning yours in particular. Like any successful marketing campaign, it is targeting the benefits of a product to the reader that brings results, and not writing about its ingredients, its convenience or how easy it is to learn.

If you have created a product that involves alternative therapy or natural healing and it has been proved to work very well in treating specific conditions, then it is certainly worth promoting and many people might buy it. It might be a course involving spiritual healing, hypnotherapy or the use of astrology or perhaps it is a life coaching course or some form of energy healing. It doesn't really matter what it is if it has been proved to work.

You DO NOT write about how inexpensive it is, how great it is, what other people think of it, what its history is and how the ancients loved it. None of that, you simply write about how it can help the reader: what benefits the reader can get from it and how it will help them concentrate better at work, feel better during the day or get along better with their husband or wife.

People don't want to know what it does for other people or why it was used 10,000 years ago. They want to know what it will do for them - now! That's what sells products, be they natural healing products or training products. That is what you must write about in your article marketing campaign.

You can use article marketing to promote anything but in order to get readers into the right state of mind to purchase your products you have to persuade them of its benefits to them - not to the guy next door. So, construct your articles thus;

1. Write a good title including the benefits of your product and good enough to make them click and read the article. A title such as:

"Why Depression is a State of Mind"

"How Life Coaching Changes your Life"

"Why Some People Enjoy Sex all Their Life"

There are lots better than that, but use your imagination: enjoy yourself by thinking up some great titles better than those above!

2. Write a great first sentence, and then extend that to the opening paragraph: the most important paragraph in your entire article. For example:

"Why do some people get depressed easily while others smile through disasters?"

"Who do some people suddenly become successful after a few life coaching session?"

"Why do some people, enjoy sex into their old age while others lose the desire in their 50s?"

Again, you can have fun trying to beat these - it shouldn't be too hard!

3. Then expand on the first sentence into the first paragraph and follow your arguments and statements on into the rest of the article. And no, I am not going to offer any more examples, or you will have three free articles!

4. Finish off with a final paragraph leading into the resource. Construct your resource so that the reader wants to click on the link and get to your website. Choose the landing page carefully to reflect the topic of the article, but also include a registration form for your email list so that you have the opportunity to get the email address of every reader that clicks on your article.

You can then remain in contact with them. It has been proved that people need an average of 7 -8 views of a product before deciding to purchase it, and an email list enables you to achieve that.

Finally, submit your articles for publication in article directories. Directory visitors can read them and click on your links and you get backlinks to your web pages that improve your Google PageRank. This increases the likelihood of your page receiving a high listing on the search engines, and also your article itself can be listed on Google from its pages on the article directories.

So, the benefits of using article marketing to promote natural healing products are threefold:

A. They enable readers to reach your website by clicking on your link.

B. You get backlinks to your website from the article directories that publish your article, and

C. They enable you to build an email list and provide readers with the average number of views of your natural healing products that statistically result in a sale.

So, using article marketing to promote natural healing products offers:

Site visitors


PageRank Points

Email List Building


What more can you ask for in one marketing technique?